What do High Achievers Believe about Themselves?
Society often asserts that we are all created equal. However, high achievers tend to override this program by embracing a different belief system - the idea that hard work is the key to success. Paradoxically, it is this very belief that can contribute to the creation of inequality among individuals.
In any given group, there are high achievers who stand out and consistently emerge as winners. Are they inherently superior to others, or is their success akin to the disparity between a 4.0 and a 5.0 Ford Mustang? On the surface, they may appear similar, but the high achiever possesses a more potent engine, requiring different levels of effort to accelerate from 0 to 60.
From the earliest stages of life, our beliefs shape our reality and become the dividing line between turning ideas into achievements or relegating them to mere crumpled pieces of paper in our minds. Even before birth, as separate sperm and egg, our belief...
Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your personal problems, wishing you could find the same happiness and success that others seem to have? If so, you're not alone. Many of my clients have experienced the same struggles before we began working together. They yearned for personal and professional success, but at times, it felt impossible.
However, I shared two crucial insights with them that changed everything. Now, I invite you to join me in a transformative journey during The Power of Financial Therapy free live workshop. (You can click here now to register.)
It's Not Your Fault:
First and foremost, it's essential to understand that it's not your fault if your relationships aren't thriving. Society has programmed us to believe that hard work and financial success hold the key to solving all of life's problems. But this programming is flawed. I realized this truth in 2010 when I found myself in a chaotic state, physically and emotionally. Despite moving to a new...
You’re stuck in the notion that success looks a particular way. It’s not your fault, it’s been passed down to you. But you don’t have to perpetuate it. Over the next few minutes together we will unravel the myth that has held us captive for far too long: this American Dream traditional model of success is dead. So by the end we can bring to life a new version of success, one that’s more aligned with who you are right now.
For years, we've been led to believe that our worth is measured by external markers—money, possessions, and status. But let me tell you, my friends, those things do not hold the key to true happiness. In fact, they often leave us feeling empty and inadequate, forever comparing ourselves to others. But if you are reading this, you’re probably already feeling some dissonance. You’re probably questioning what you’ve been taught about success. It's time to break free from this joy-stealing myth...
Are you feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by the demands of your personal and professional life? You're not alone. Many of our members feel the same way.
Did you search your symptoms on Google to determine what's going on with you? If so, you probably diagnosed yourself with everything from a hormone deficiency to adrenal fatigue. Or maybe your search brought up a midlife crisis or imposter syndrome. These are two common emotional challenges many of our members self-diagnosis with. It's a possibility you could be experiencing one or both of these, but it's important to understand the differences.
A midlife crisis is a period of emotional turmoil that can occur when someone is feeling overwhelmed by the demands of life. When it happens you start to wonder if you've made the wrong choices in life and you look for a do over. Some people even start to act as if they are 21 years old again.
Imposter syndrome is more about questioning your ability. You may have feeling...
Feeling stuck personally or professionally is common as we mature. What’s important when we are 18 years old can be totally different from what’s important at 48 or 58 years old. As new goals take priority you may be forced to take a pause before shifting to the next level of success. This can create unwelcomed feelings like fear, loneliness, lack, and even feeling stuck.
That stuck feeling can often be associated with opposing goals, unmet accomplishments, or even shifts in life that you didn’t expect. What can feel even more upsetting is when you reach all the goals you set for yourself, but they don’t feel the way you thought they would.
Midlife crises are usually associated with men, but women experience them too. That's where financial therapy comes in. In the early days of my Financial Therapy practice, I helped men understand how their beliefs and behaviors around money created an unfulfilling life. Even though they had lots of money and...
As I wrap up my Financial Awareness Month conversations I wanted to invite you to continue the conversation with me in my community or inside your own community. I'd love to speak to your group or on your podcast about Financial Therapy.
I mentioned earlier this week that I’m participating in the Midlife Conversations Summit with Natalie Jill, and this is one way that I’m continuing the conversation.
This summit is focused on providing tips and inspiration for women who are navigating the challenges and opportunities that come with midlife. I'm excited to share my insights on how financial therapy can help women in this stage of life to find clarity and a sense of purpose while working to reach their financial goals.
My episode will be airing at the end of May but you can register right now. I’d love for you to tune in and listen to our conversation so you can determine why you’re not thriving financially< “yet”. Natalie is a great...
If you've been with me awhile you know I always share my changes, accomplishments, and even my challenges. This month I have so exciting news to share and some changes that I'm making to how I promote myself as a Financial Therapist. Over the past few years, I've been working hard to build my presence on social media.
While I've seen some success, I've come to the realization that it's not the most effective way for me to reach my target audience - other small business owners and Financial Advisors like you.
Therefore, I have decided to shift my focus towards appearing on podcasts and writing blog posts as the primary ways to promote myself as a thought leader in the financial therapy industry. I'm committed to providing you with valuable content that will help you better understand the benefits of financial therapy and how it can benefit your clients.
I know that you may be wondering why I've made this change, and I want to share with you some of the reasons behind my decision....
Small and mid-sized companies can utilize and leverage the valuable information in this article, along with their own research, to support their decision-making process in securing the right financial wellness program for their employees.
In order to make informed choices when it comes to implementing financial wellness programs for employees, business owners must first master their emotions and use logic. In the past there was more theory than data about the benefits of a financial wellness program for both companies and employees. Now that more studies have been done, the date shows both the health and financial benefits.
The question is not so much, if you can improve your employee engagement and wellbeing by utilizing a Financial Wellness program, but more along the lines of are you ready to and which company to partner with.
As a Financial Therapist the biggest mistake I see business owners make is using emotions to make decisions rather than logic....
As a Financial Therapist, I am passionate about helping individuals achieve financial well-being, and I believe that workplace financial wellness programs can play a pivotal role in unlocking employee success. One prominent financial institution that stands out in this regard is Morgan Stanley, a company known for its commitment to not only its own employees well-being and holistic financial health, but also concerned with employees all over the United States.
In today's fast-paced and competitive work environment, employees face various financial challenges that can impact their productivity, engagement, and overall well-being. Financial stress, lack of financial literacy, and inadequate retirement savings are just a few examples of the financial concerns that can weigh on employees and affect their performance at work.
Employees may believe they need a raise, but what they really need is tools to master the money they currently have. When they understand that...
Because money is the number one cause of stress, as a Financial Therapist, I understand the crucial role financial success and well-being together play in an individual's overall feeling of success. But also a company's success if it relies on the power of employees.
When the work environment is fast-paced and responsibilities are heavy both at work and at home, employees need access to resources and support. Employees often face financial stress that can impact their productivity, engagement, and even their health. That's where workplace financial wellness programs come in. These programs offer a valuable solution for businesses to support their employees' financial well-being and drive organizational success.
Companies like Morgan Stanley and Ameriprise Financial are making a positive impact with their workplace financial wellness programs. Major financial institutions are entering the market because it’s no longer a mystery what these...