2-things keeping you from loving your life

Did you know that you can love the life you have right now, while you create the life you desire? You can...but there is an art to it, and I’ll share it with you in this post. However, first I’d like to clear up some misconceptions.  

Happiness misconception

Have you ever felt like everyone else had the key to happiness except you? That’s because social media is lying to you, making you feel left out. Maybe you feel like you didn’t get the invite to happiness or the memo. Is that right? Well it’s just not true. There was no memo. Just society and social media tricking you into believing there was.

Don’t believe it. In this blog post, I’ll reveal what you need in order to love your life.

Not everyone has the perfect body, the perfect marriage, the perfect kids, perfect meals, or the perfect house. In fact, rare is the person who has all of these things in tack. Most of us have strengths and areas were we excel, but most of us are also...

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My Medieval Times Atlanta Review and Happy Birthday Gift

enjoy giveaways Dec 25, 2018

This post is going to serve two purposes. One, I invite you to experience Medieval Times and will tell you 2-different ways you can get free tickets, just for being a loyal Prospro. Two, this post will also serve as a Medieval Times review. So let us start there.

(Please read the next part in your old medieval voice.)

Medieval Times Review Atlanta

M’Lords and M’Ladies,

Prepare to be informed and maybe even entertained as I deliver you my Medieval Times Review. During my visit to the castle the chancellor announced several guest celebrating different things. There were people celebrating birthdays (like me), others celebrating the holiday season, while others were celebrating anniversaries. That told me that, there is always a good reason to go to Medieval Times. In fact, you don’t need a reason to celebrate because the queen invites you to celebrate life with her.

It was an honor to join the queen on my day of birth to choose the strongest knight. The excitement...

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What’s going well?

Last week’s blog post provided some fascinating insight on what happens during my hypnotherapy and financial therapy sessions. In that particular post, I revealed that each patient’s one-on-one session will be different from each other, but they do share a few similarities which include some of the questions that I ask them during the session. Occasionally, symptoms and where they originate from are similar with patients, as well.

One reason for this similarity is that approximately 75-85% of our money and love programming is in place before we are seven years old. This means most of us are making life decisions based on our childhood programming. The questions I ask during my sessions enable me to uncover the unconscious messages that were deeply implanted from such a young age. Ultimately, this will help me identify what the patient is really trying to create in their lives.

In last weeks post, I gave you 5 Questions I Ask Every Patient. As I uncover a patient’s...

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5 questions I ask every patient in my Financial Therapy sessions

Many therapy sessions focus on “the problem” and require the patient to talk about that problem over and over...until maybe, they are so tired of talking about it that they finally take action. Talk therapy in many instances focuses on self-awareness. Although I am a trained counselors and I do believe awareness has its place, the Financial Therapy I administer is focused on healing and not necessarily awareness. Awareness doesn’t equal healing.

At PRESIDENTIAL LIFESTYLE we’ve branded our Financial Therapy and call it Prosperous Life Coaching. Because healing is the focus of the program, I use hypnotherapy to facilitate healing, but I have access to ten different healing modalities. If you live long enough you will experience trauma. What the brain codes as trauma is complex. What may appear to be a small forgettable event to one, is a life altering event for another.

Like traditional talk therapy, in financial therapy some of the questions asked are...

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A Healthy Morning Routine Creates a Prosperous Life

You may have heard that having a healthy morning routine increases your rate of success. Maybe you agree, maybe you don’t. In this post I’ll give you ideas to help you determine what a healthy morning routine would like for you. I’ll also help you see how small changes can make a big impact.   

During my master class, Love Your Life, I share the first 2-steps in my Prosperous Life Program. Creating your idea of prosperity is one of them. Prosperity means different things to different people, so becoming clear on what the word prosperity means to you, can be helpful.

Your idea of prosperity

Nobody can give you your idea of prosperity. You can’t do it by copying someone else. You have to know what your idea of prosperity looks like and how it feels. There is a financial feeling, a romantic feeling, and a feeling of well being that is personal to you. Creating a healthy morning routine is the first part of your prosperous day, which leads into your...

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New York Times discusses Financial Therapy


Financial Therapy is a pretty new field, but lately, more and more people are becoming curious about it, including the New York Times. I also recently received a referral from a Financial Advisor who's client specifically requested to speak to a Financial Therapist. 

I was recently featured in a New York Times article about Financial Therapy. It was called, “When Getting Money Hurts.” The author interviewed survivors who were receiving settlements because of a traumatic experience. She also interviewed me. We discussed how patients can best heal from an experience that triggers you on a regular basis. They choose me because of my background in counseling, trauma work, and Financial Therapy.


Below is the part of the article where I was quoted. (To read the full article see the link below.) 

As a specialist in financial therapy who is based near Atlanta, Kiné Corder encourages clients to deal with the trauma separately. “You...

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Win the Social Media Challenge

I bet you or someone you know has a complicated relationship with social media. Keep reading....

The Challenge

You know how social media makes you feel like everyone has the key to happiness except you? You scroll through pictures of happy couples, traveling, shopping, partying and raising the perfect kids. You compare it to your life and you feel broken, insecure, ashamed, and even unhappy.

The Feeling

You have an idea you think will make you feel better, so you post a picture of your life on social media (with captions that aren’t exactly true).  You pretend that you are doing more than you actually are...but of course, it backfires and you only feel worse. You feel worse because you believe...somebody's watching you and they probably know you’re a fraud, an imposter….and there’s only a matter of time before they expose your dirty little secret.

And not only that, you can’t figure out how the heck everyone else knows and you don’t. So...

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Why you need more than daily positive thoughts to be happy

Finding financial and romantic success starts with believing that it’s possible. Knowing what brings you happiness is also incredibly helpful, but what’s even more effective is getting to the root of what blocks your happiness. What if you knew what was standing in the way of your happiness? What if you could first accept it, then adjust it enough to allow happiness to flow into your life?

Have you ever heard someone say, “think positive,” or “have daily positive thoughts” to reach your goals and become happy? How does that make you feel? For some it’s frustrating because they don’t know how to shift their negative thoughts. For others it’s like, duh, I’m doing that and yet I’m still not happy.

Well let me tell you why. Daily positive thoughts are great and helpful, but they are not the only reason why you are not successful and happy. Your negative thoughts are more of a problem than you think. Negative thinking is...

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How your money personality can block your love and money confidence

When it comes to your money, you get to decide how you want to spend it and whom you’d like to spend it on. However, the thought process that drives those decisions was put in place way before you ever received your first dollar.  Studies show that about 75% of our money beliefs are in place by age three. And 95% are in place by fifteen years old.

We default to childhood to make a money decision because that’s when our brains put our beliefs about money in place. This is true about all of our decisions, of course. The subconscious brain makes interpretations as we are growing and these interpretations slowly become our love, life, and money believes.

I call the money belief system your Money Mentality. Your Money Mentality is your money reality, because that’s how you perceive it. What you perceive, you believe, and you receive. What you believe about money shapes your life.

I’ll walk you through each Money Mentality and how they give and receive...

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Can money buy happiness? Yes, and I have the formula...

I often work one-on-one with wealthy clients who have done a good job earning and sometimes growing money but they still haven’t found happiness. They may have thought material things would bring happiness, but no matter how many things they buy, they can’t seem to buy happiness.

They start to ask the question, can money buy happiness? Society says no.  You may have heard the phrase, “money can’t buy happiness.” Well, to answer the question, can money buy happiness, you have to first ask what is happiness?

Happiness is different for each of us, however we have been taught that happiness has a specific look and feel. We have been taught that it’s a spouse, a house, two kids, and a dog. But that’s not true for everyone, not everyone finds happiness in this lifestyle.

In my work as a financial therapist, I find there are 5-key areas that cause wealthy people unhappiness. You either, believe that life is not happening the way it should,...

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