Stop chasing things if you want to find meaning with Andrew McConnell

Uncategorized Sep 16, 2020

Whether you know it or not, having more things won't make you happy. Andrew McConnell talks about how to gain more happiness without buying more things. Andrew says, focusing on creating more time or meaning instead could bring more happiness. He also tells us more about the challenges in the short term rental industry right now and how his company helps clients navigate emergency and pivot planning. Listen now.
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to book a private conversation with me so you can determine what’s stopping you from creating a meaningful life. We'll talk for about 60 minutes to get to the bottom of what’s got you so stressed right now. 
We help CEOs and high-achievers all over the world navigate through their stress so they can enjoy their success and turn their money into meaning. So to see if we can help you do the same thing…I invite you to book a private conversation with me by visiting,
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Man's search for meaning over money may lead to the question, "What's the Meaning of Life?”
No matter what stage you are in life, you'll benefit from knowing how close or how far you are from creating a life of meaning. 
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